What is General Counsel as a Service (GCaaS)?
Traditional General Counsel is a salaried attorney employed by an organization to manage its legal functions. General Counsel as a Service ("GCaaS") is the use of an attorney outside the organization to perform these functions for an affordable hourly fee.
Outside General Counsel performing GCaaS fulfill the same functions as traditional General Counsel, including:
Reviewing, Drafting, and Negotiating Contracts
Managing Leasing Agreements
Resolving Employment Issues
Ensuring Regulatory Compliance
Risk Mitigation & Management
Intellectual Property Management & Protection
Assisting Executive-Level Decision-Making; and
Collaborating with internal teams to provide enterprise-wide support as needed.
By combining legal tech tools with attorneys with Am Law 100, Fortune 500 and In-House experience, Out-House Attorneys provides the most sophisticated and affordable GCaaS solution available.
How It Works
Your organization is matched with an attorney whose experience and skills meet your needs. Working with your team on an ongoing basis, we become increasingly acquainted with your operations and culture, and ensure that every project is seen through to completion.
Depending on the level of engagement you select, your dedicated attorney meets your day-to-day legal needs as your fractional General Counsel.
You can interview and select your counsel before engaging, and end the engagement at any time.
Why Use
Traditional in-house lawyers can be expensive, slow, and lack experience in certain practice areas. Conversely, traditional outside counsel remain stuck in a 'buy/sell' dynamic that forces them to focus on their fees instead of creating value.
GCaaS allows companies to affordably manage their day-to-day legal needs without carrying a full-time salary, fringe benefits, or the ludicrous hourly fees of outside counsel.
It has quickly become the preferred solution for digitally-mature companies tired of the administrative and financial burden of managing a full-time attorney, but still interested in intimate partnership.
Visit our Pricing page to see our current service rates.